Opens & Club Calendar

Opens 2024

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Calendar 2024

Results 2024

Oxley Park Men’s Senior Open Pairs 2024 Results

1st R. Titley & C. Carey 47 Points
2nd A. Churm & M. Booth 44 Points
3rd T. Ruby & A. Colton 43 Points
4th C. Connorton & P. Foster 43 Points
Nearest the Pins

6th Green in one shot M. Turner 52” 132cm
16th Green in twoshots D. Hill 26” 66cm

The following are the numbers of unclaimed raffle
prizes if you have one of the winning tickets please
contact the club office.

13, 31, 42, 60, 78, 111, 133, 140, 158, 191, 217, 236,
239, 273